Home Visits
Home visits are available in certain circumstances at the discretion of the doctor. Speak to our friendly staff and they will be able to assist you!
Who is Eligible for Home Visits?
Home Visits are available within normal working hours.
Provision of Home Visits is determined by the patient meeting pre-determined eligibility criteria.
Due to the extended hours that Alsalam Medical is open, not all General Practitioners offer Home Visits.
A General Practitioner may do a Home Visit if the patient meets the following criteria’s:
- The patient is a regular patient of the clinic
- The patient resides within 15 km's radius of the practice
- Where it is safe and reasonable
- The patient has the type of problem that necessitates a home visits such as
- Acute III
- Immobile
- Elderly
- Unable to access the practice facilities due to disability
If you are interested in learning more about home visits, speak to one of our expert doctors!