Dorevtich Pathology
Need a blood test? Alsalam Medical houses experienced Dorevitch pathology nurses through a walk in service! Bring along your pathology form, grab a number and take a seat!
Pathology Collection:
Our Dorevitch Pathology Collector is available every Wednesday from 9am-12pm.
No need to book, just bring your form and take a seat!
What is Pathology?
Pathologists are specialist medical practitioners who study the cause of disease and the ways in which diseases affect our bodies by examining changes in the tissues and in blood and other body fluids. Some of these changes show the potential to develop a disease, while others show its presence, cause or severity or monitor its progress or the effects of treatment.
The doctors you see in surgery or at a clinic all depend on the knowledge, diagnostic skills and advice of pathologists. Whether it’s a GP arranging a blood test or a surgeon wanting to know the nature of the lump removed at operation, the definitive answer is usually provided by a pathologist. Some pathologists also see patients and are involved directly in the day-to-day delivery of patient care.
Currently pathology has nine major areas of activity. These relate to either the methods used or the types of disease which they investigate.

Company History
Built on a foundation and heritage borne through medical and scientific leadership Dorevitch Pathology was founded by Dr Abe Dorevitch in August 1970. Proud of their origins, and of all the people that make Dorevitch Pathology what it is today. Dorevitch Pathology is one of Australia’s leading comprehensive clinical laboratory and pathology services. Based in Victoria for more than 50 years, they are dedicated to meeting the needs of the doctors and patients of Victoria.
One of the largest private pathology companies in Australia, started by Dermatopathologist Dr Abe Dorevitch in 1971 in Camberwell, Melbourne, Dorevitch Pathology has grown to have over 2,500 employees and more than 450 collection centres. Now running 27 laboratories in Victoria including 15 public hospital laboratories and here at Alsalam Medical .

Dorevitch Home Visits
Home visiting is a unique service provided by Dorevitch Pathology.
A home visiting service is available for ill and infirm patients requiring specimen collection or electrocardiograph tracings and includes visits to aged care facilities.
You must remain at home on the day of your scheduled visit. If your circumstances change and you know you will not be home on the appointed day, please phone us on 97648440 so we can re-schedule your visit.
Unfortunately, we cannot give you an appointment time due to the urgent nature of some doctor requests and hospital visits which take priority. Times will run between 8am to 4pm on your booking day
When your doctor arranges your home visit, we will know if you are fasting or have any special requirements prior to your tests. In these circumstances our staff will attempt to visit you as early in the day as possible.
Speak to your General Practitioner to arrange a Dorevitch home visit